Sunday, October 14, 2007

Batch 21 - Hefeweizen

After a year of remodeling my basement (and beer room) I'm back in the saddle!

I've started with the same recipe as Batch 14, except using Wyeast #3638 Bavarian Wheat yeast. After stocking up on supplies, I started brewing but forgot the order. I ran around the Internet looking for directions, forgetting I listed them here, so my technique was a bit different.

  • 6 lbs wheat malt extract
  • 1 lb german light crystal malt
  • 1 lb german wheat malt
  • 1 oz hallertauer hops
  • Wyeast #3638 Bavarian Wheat yeast
1. Heated around 2 gallons of water - when it was at a near boil I added the grain. Boiled for 10 minutes until there was a fast, foamy boil. Drained bag into pot. Fed some of the grain to my dogs, who love the stuff.
2. Added extract. Returned to boil for 10 minutes.
3. Added hops. Boiled uncovered (I read a tip that this is a good thing) for 45 minutes.
4. Turned off heat. Removed hops. In 10 minutes, moved to ice water filled sink. Left it there for around 30 minutes.
5. Poured into primary container. Shook to aerate for a minute, added a gallon of water. Repeat unti at 5 gallon mark.
6. Added yeast. Cover, bring down to basement to brew. Basement is currently 66 degrees, wort is 74 degrees.

Pitched: 10/14/07
OG: 1.053